Whole30 Aldi Grocery Guide with Prices

The complete roundup of Whole30 compliant Aldi groceries! Here you’ll find all the pantry essentials, meat and seafood, emergency food, and anything else you could need to rock your Whole30, complete with photos and prices!

A photo of a hand holding up a quarter in front of an Aldi Store with the words "Whole30 Grocery Guide with Prices" for Pinterest.

More Whole30 Grocery Guides: Costco, Target, Kroger, Walmart.

There are two things you need when you shop at Aldi:

  • A quarter for a shopping cart. Don’t worry, you get the quarter back when you return the cart!
    *Pro-tip: Don’t take the quarter back and leave the cart for the next person. You never know if they forgot their quarter or what, but it’s just a nice thing to do.
  • You also need your own reusable bags or boxes to put the groceries in. Bags are available for purchase at checkout if you forget!

Personally, I’m new-ish to shopping at Aldi, but I’ve been thrilled that the store totally lives up to its reputation. The quality of the products I find there is great, and it’s all at prices lower than the other stores in my area.

If there’s one thing that doesn’t thrill me about Aldi, it’s that they tend to use a lot of plastic in their packaging. There are a lot of single-use items.

I try to avoid those for day-to-day use, but I recognize that they can serve a useful purpose, like for traveling or busy seasons.

Whole30 Aldi Grocery Guide

Okay, here we go! All the Whole30 compliant goodies you can get at Aldi, complete with the price of each item. Now just remember to always check your ingredients label, because things can change from time to time.

Meat, Seafood & Eggs

Just as a friendly reminder, ALL meat, seafood, and eggs are compliant, so long as nothing non-compliant is added.

So yes, the 69 cent eggs are absolutely perfect and 100% compliant! Nothing has to be organic, grass fed, or perfect.

Collage showing eggs in the Aldi store refrigerator with a price tag of .69, prosciutto for $2.69, and sugar free bacon for $4.89.
Bags of frozen shrimp with price tag of $5.49, Pink Salmon for $3.99, and tilapia for $5.99, all in the grocery store freezer.
Ground Beef, packages of chicken drumsticks, steaks, and salmon.

Pantry Essentials

All the groceries you need to keep on hand in your pantry to make a fabulous Whole30 meal. I have to admit, Aldi really shines in this department!

Bottles of Orange Oil Oil for $4.39, Apple Cider Vinegar labeled $3.85, and Balsamic vinegar for $1.99.
Bottles of Carlini Ghee for $6.39, Coconut Oil for $3.99, Olive Oil for $2.49, and Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil for $7.99 at Aldi.
  • Carlini Ghee: $6.49
  • Simply Nature Organic Coconut Oil: $4.49, on sale for $3.99
  • Carlini Olive Oil: $2.49
  • Premium Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil: $7.99
Jars of hot sauce labeled $1.99, Sauerkraut for $1.69, and Fire Roasted Salsa for 1.99, and yellow mustard for .46 at Aldi.
  • Burman’s Hot Sauce: $1.99. I love spicy foods, and this hot sauce is wonderful in my Buffalo Chicken Casserole!
  • Deutsche Sauerkraut: $1.69. I like to use this in my German Pork Chops recipe.
  • Organic Double Fire Roasted Salsa: $1.99
  • Burman’s Yellow Mustard: $.46. The perfect topping for hot dogs!
Cartons of beef bone broth labeled at $1.19, bags of chia seeds for $1.95, raw mixed nuts, and pistachios for $3.99 at Aldi.
Different spices on the shelf, ranging in price from $.95 to $2.79.
  • Stonemill Spices: $.95
  • Stonemill Everything Bagel Seasoning: $1.95
  • Simply Nature Organic Spices: $1.95
  • Basil Stir-in Paste: $2.79
A packet of chicken seasoning for $.79 and squeeze bottles of spicy pepper sauce.
  • Stonemill Chicken Seasoning: $.79.
  • Stonemill Stir-In Paste, Carolina Reaper, Harissa, Yellow Habanero, Green Jalapeño.

Emergency, Snacks, and Travel

I was impressed by all the goodies I found at Aldi for traveling, snacking, and emergencies!

Bags of Biltong, Tio gazpacho for $3.95, individual packages of olives for $3.29, and guacamole for $2.99.
  • Stryve Biltong in Original and Hatch Green Chile
  • Tio Soup (This is Whole30 Approved!): $3.95
  • Pearls Olives to Go!: $3.29
  • Guacamole: $2.99
Individual cups of apple sauce for $1.19 and squeeze packages of apple sauce for $1.75, baby food packets for $.79, and nut packs for $3.29 at Aldi.
  • Unsweetened Applesauce Cups: $1.19
  • Simply Nature Organic Fruit Squeezies: $1.75
  • Little Journey Fruit Puree: $.79. It takes some getting used to, but baby food pouches are a great traveling food!
  • Southern Grove Almonds and Almonds & Walnut packs: $3.29

Fruits & Veggies

There are sooooo many fruits and vegetables available at Aldi, and they’re ALL Whole30 compliant!

I like that their produce varies depending on the season, but they always seem to have the staples I love as well as a great selection of organic produce.

Collage of the fruit and vegetable aisles at Aldi.
Collage showing bags of avocado, bags of sweet potatoes, plantains, and boxes of dates.
Close up photos of vegetables available at Aldi.
  • Organic Arugula and Spinach Mix: $1.89.
  • Artisan Lettuce: $2.39. I’ve got loads of salad recipes you can make!
  • Portabella Mushroom Caps: $1.79.
  • Zucchini & Summer Squash: $1.25. One of my favorite side dishes EVER is zucchini in my air fryer.
Collage showing kiwis for $2.89, bags of lemons for $2.29, strawberries for $1.69, and organic peaches for $3.99.
  • Zespri Kiwis: $2.89. I love these golden kiwis and I was SO excited to see them at Aldi! Check out the Instagram exclusive recipe I shared, featuring these kiwis (I also use them in my Paleo kiwi smoothie).
  • Bags of Lemons: $2.29
  • Strawberries: $1.69
  • Organic Peaches: $3.99. Use them to make a Peaches and Cream Mocktail!
Frozen vegetables in the freezer aisle at Aldi - bags of broccoli for $.89, bags of organic broccoli for $1.99, and bags of Brussels sprouts for $1.19.
  • Frozen Broccoli: $.89
  • Organic Frozen Broccoli: $1.99
  • Frozen Brussels Sprouts: $1.19


No one ever said you can’t have a fancy drink on Whole30! I was excited to see a bunch of Whole30 compliant drink options at Aldi, perfect for sipping or creating a wonderful mocktail!

Collage of drinks at Aldi - Sparkling Mineral water for $3.49, coconut waters for $3.29, and Italian Mineral Water for $1.49.
  • PurAqua Italian Sparkling Mineral Water (case): $3.49
  • 100% Pure Coconut Water: $3.29
  • Italian Mineral Water: $1.49
Whole30 drinks at Aldi, Califia Almond Coconut Milk for $3.48, cases of Sprindrift for $4.99, and various coffees ranging in price from $2.75 to $4.99.
  • Califia Farms Coconut Almond Milk: $3.89. This milk is super creamy and great for making lattes.
  • Spindrift: $4.99
  • Various bags of coffee: Ranging in price from $2.88 to $4.99.
Drinks found at Aldi - GTs Kombucha with a price tag that reads $2.95, Stock Cold Brew coffee for $4.42, LaCroix 12 pack for $4.79 and Vie Seltzer for $2.99.

Be sure to get my 4 week Whole30 Meal Plan, complete with weekly grocery lists, and check out my Whole30 resources section, too!

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Collage of Whole30 compliant products with the text "Whole30 Aldi Grocery Guide with prices" for Pinterest.

Let me know in the comments below — Do you shop at Aldi? What are your favorite finds there?

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  1. Aldi is the only thing that makes my whole30 budget work! I’m pulling up your blog next time I go there.